Wear Your Heart As Well As You Can — It’s the Right Fit Every Time. T.M

Lorie Ann Jermoune
5 min readOct 12, 2022

Wear your heart as well as you can and watch your live take you to the timeline of your own choice by your own positive and ethical contribution to society. TM Lorie Ann Jermoune

  • Wearing your heart constantly and correctly is obvious, or should be? Try leaving home without it? Whom among us could be alive without the amazing electricity of their own heartbeat?
  • Valentine’s Day is THE ONLY TIME TO BE made of aware of the celebration of hearts, you say… I say, NO WAY!
  • Why is that so special? Because globally people will consciously, intentionally and openly show love, affection and to listen to the words of peace, love, and joy knowing that, that is what they want to consciously feel everyday.

Start wearing your heart more wisely by paying attention to what your internal feelings or gut is telling you. That poses a unique opportunity for anybody who wants to live a life being more peaceful, amorous and happy.

Revere and remember how peaceful and free you feel on Valentine’s Day of years past.

And don’t forget to wear your heart as well as you can every day!

It’s yours, fits just fine, and has the correct style, color and design. It was designed especially with you in mind!

You were designed like no other mold.

Your mold is bold and untold to anybody.

Make a decision to have a heart healthy way of living, eating, exercising, walking or thriving and focus more on relaxed breathing.

Become more aware of your breathing and decide to inhale and exhale correctly. The Divine Creator made you a unique heart-powered, thriving, energy-filled, electrical heart velocity-driven, empower-packed vessel of Valentine Love and Joy- Day in and Day out!~

Wear your heart as well as you can and watch your live take you to the timeline of your own choice by your own positive and ethical contribution to society. TM The heart is the electricity that powers you and me and nobody can be alive without one! NOBODY!

So why is wearing your heart correctly so essential? Wearing it as well as you can means: Remembering that you and me are heart-centered beings who thrive with internal introspection and guidance.

If we desire to stay clean and healthy we must decide to listen to the voice and tone of our living soul- in the form of our breath and heartbeat.

Harken and hear what your instincts/heart- intuition is saying for your ears only. Start wearing your heart more wisely by paying attention to what your internal feelings or gut is telling you.

The best counsel and advice that you could ever need already resides within you. Words of truth and guidance come across as emotional vibrations that resonate with insight-enlightenment.

Truth is revealed to you in the very steady beat of your heart rate. The pulse rate can also indicate the health and condition of your heart rate and feelings of happiness, shame, love or fear. Your own heartfelt emotions/vibrations deliver information to you daily and assist you to live wisely by making socially and morally correct judgements and decisions with integrity..

The words that your subconscious mind speaks get replayed audibly as they get delivered to you from deep thoughts, questioning and soulful introspection. Then replayed again, special delivery to your consciousness with a specific goal in mind; to enable your brain to hear internal whispers of guidance, assistance and warning.

The heart is known for its ability to be the power station of our seven vital organ systems. Its desire is to keep you healthy and to have a slow and steady heartbeat. If something is remiss or out of sync the emotional toll taken on the heart and brain is palpable.

Decide to give your heart and soul more joy and happiness. Contribute to good causes and to do more good deeds and feel a lot more empowered, relaxed and more heart healthy!

Oh, and your brain also wants to be happy by making it think less and produce more heart happy activities and charity work.

Even if you decide to walk ten minutes a day, you are wearing your heart and it thanks you tremendously for healthy eating and loving activities.

The day of heartfelt celebration is a two-fold day of inspiration. Celebrating your sweetheart, date, mate or even celebrating your own healthy heart. Make a decision to have a heart healthy way of living, eating, exercising, walking or thriving and focus more on relaxed breathing.

Become more aware of your breathing and decide to inhale and exhale correctly. You know like they teach you in Yoga. It helps calm down the brain and relax the mind, at least a little bit more focus on breathing in a healthier way, please!

”Animals enjoy happy people too! Doesn’t your dog or cat’s heartbeat get you happy when you share your affection with them?TM
Lorie Ann Jermoune 7–20–2012-SAYS,”dreamstimefree_26796-LORIE ANN J SAYS,”Entitlement is something that humanity struggles with one individual at-a-time and once we realize that life is a series of challenges that only an individual can surmount, then the judgment of others will stop and the learning of self will begin. — TM Lorie Ann Jermoune 7–20–2012-dreamstimefree_26796 What makes us have the attitude and the forethought to do the things that we do?7–20–2012 https://lorieannj.com/2017/08/lorieannj-5-years-july-20-2012-111833-what-attitude-forethought-do/BY LORIE ANN J-LORIE ANN JERMOUNE ON July 20, 2012. 11:18 A.M.

*Valentine’s Day is a special time of the year! Why is that so special? Because globally people will consciously, intentionally and openly show love, affection and to listen to the words of peace, love, and joy knowing that, that is what they want to consciously feel every day.

That poses a unique opportunity for anybody who wants to live a life being more peaceful, amorous and happy. Revere and remember how peaceful and free you feel on Valentine’s Day of 2017. And don’t forget to wear your heart as well as you can everyday! It’s yours, fits just fine, and has the correct style, color and design. It was designed especially with you in mind! You were designed like no other mold your mold is bold and untold to anybody. The Divine Creator made you a unique heart-powered, thriving, energy-filled, electrical heart velocity-driven, empower-packed vessel of Valentine Love and Joy!

***I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!~TM

***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetry- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.** Namaste,

LORIE ANN JERMOUNE dreamstimefree_63169-lorie ann jermoune-Wear your heart as well as you can- It’s the right fit every time! TM — -Wear your heart as well as you can and watch your live take you to the timeline of your own choice by your own positive and ethical contribution to society. TM Lorie Ann Jermoune — LORIE ANN JERMOUNE dreamstimefree_63169-lorie ann jermoune-Wear your heart as well as you can- It’s the right fit everytime! TM-lorie ann jermoune 1–29–2013 dreamstimefree_63169-




Lorie Ann Jermoune

As a writer, I also enjoy reading. Engaging or enlightening articles get their target audience inspired. How may I positively inspire you?Lorie Ann Jermoune